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Painting is an application which provides a protective barrier between treated surfaces and the atmosphere. Besides being a decorative finish, its scope is to ensure a long lifetime and preserve the painted objects from environmental agents, corrosion and other similar threats.

Liquid painting is till most commonly used to finish several metallic/plastic/wooden surfaces.

Two are the main features which make liquid application so flexible:

  • The use of a primer coat
  • The low curing temperature

Prior to painting, a primer may be applied over the objects to prepare their surfaces by making them smoother and facilitating adhesion of the final coat.

Drying the applied paint at a low temperature is a procedure which optimizes curing, improving adhesion, hardness and resistance to aggressive chemical agents.

Overspray may be treated either by a water curtain (wet) or by a filtering surface (dry). Environment friendly water-based paints are ever more in use against solvent based ones which require a further treatment before disposal.